Getting Back To It.
Gosh, it’s been a while. How is everyone holding up? The last few months have been, well, interesting, eventful. But then at the same time, for some of us completely uneventful too.
Firstly I hope you’re all staying safe and well. In the Tribe household we’ve been managing lockdown, juggling childcare responsibilities, playing in the garden and enjoying our daily walks out to the harbour or the local park. Though I’m grateful we’re allowed out more now. Charlie is a very (very!) active 16 month old and loves nothing more than venturing up or down a steep incline.
I’m happy to say now things are easing a little and because Charlie is heading back to nursery (hurrah) I’m able to get out again and start taking photos!
I’ll be adapting my style and practise to the guidelines and although we are allowed inside people’s home I shall bit sticking to outdoor shoots for the time being. These can on your doorstep, in your garden, maybe the park or somewhere else outside. I’ll also be wearing a face covering during the duration of your shoot and staying 1-2 metres away. Otherwise the rest remains the same!
I’m excited to get out there and see you hopefully, very soon.
Sam x